

This website provides general information. It is possible to find general information on this website with respect to individual products and their associated services within the scope of online credit management, as well as information about the MaxCredible organisation itself. By being granted access to this website including the material and information contained therein, you declare that you are familiar with and have understood the conditions given below, and that you are in agreement with them. 

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Although MaxCredible MKB endeavours to include accurate and up-to-date information on this website, it may occur that it includes errors and omissions from time to time. MaxCredible MKB expressly disclaims any liability arising from breach of agreement, unlawful act, risks or any other legal basis, for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, supplemental or specific damage, as well as damage that for any other reason arises from, or is connected with access to, or use of this website, regardless of whether MaxCredible MKB was or was not aware of the possibility (that might arise) of such damage. 

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MaxCredible MKB